Mobility, Accessibility, Sustainability for Havana (MAS-Havana)

Movilidad, Accesibilidad, Sostenibilidad (MAS) para la ciudad que queremos

An interdisciplinary collaborative research project led by a team of academics from Havana’s technological university, CUJAE, and University College London (UCL). Professor Nick Tyler, at UCL’s Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (GECE) is the Principal UK Investigator on this research programme. The activity also involves staff at UCL’s Institute of the Americas (UCLIA) and Development Planning Unit (DPU, at the UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, Building, Environmental Design & Planning), as well as Dr James Warren, at the Open University.

The Cuban research team works closely with the local transport and municipal authorities, as well as engaging active local community participation. This short video shows the project in action in a street in the Los Sitios neighbourhood of Central Havana.

Why Havana? Why now?

MAS-Havana’s aim is to strengthen the ‘vision’ that guides the city’s urban mobility policy through a participatory process involving citizens and institutions at all levels.

MAS-Havana began in 2013, with an initial grant from UCL Global Challenges. Since then our work has expanded and progressed in a series of activity stages, involving research, local community and relevant local organisations, which have also generated spin-off activities in related fields.  Several publications by MAS-Havana researchers describe the aims, methods and results of these activities